In a Nutshell

If only it were still "We the People" instead of Them the Congress. We spoke and the did not listen.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Complicated learning...

Never in a million years did I think I would be debating and hashing out the ideas and processes of learning, learning styles, learning cycles, etc. It almost makes me feel like we are over thinking the process of learning. I feel like we are complicating it by talking it to death.

Steven A. Stahl believes that people mistake learning preference with learning style. He thinks that there is a big difference. My question is how? And does it really matter? If you prefer a specific way of learning, than one would presume that that is your learning style. Or another way to say it is your preferred learning style and that right there combines the learning preference with learning style. I almost feel as if Stahl is talking just to talk.

Learning needs two way communication between the student and the teacher. It's the teacher's responsibility to communicate to the class the expectations and requirements and to make it clear that there needs to be open communication. If a student is not understanding than they need to vocalize that. The teacher can only do so much before it's the student's responsibility.

I am excited to get into the next chapter of my learning prospectives book because it seems we will finally get into the "how's" of teaching. I am not trying to be difficult, but I am definitely the type of person that just wants to know how I can do it and be successful. It's not a secret that the "theory" part of learning is not my favorite. I like seeing examples in action, like the movie assignment. I enjoyed that. But then again...I am a visual learner, it is my preferred learning style. ;)

Next Please!


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