In a Nutshell

If only it were still "We the People" instead of Them the Congress. We spoke and the did not listen.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Personal Development...

I definitely appreciate learning about the different learning styles and the insight given about needing to be flexible to those styles as an instructor. It's so easy to create curriculum directed to one style of learning based off of your style of learning, but that does not necessarily create a successful class, if fact, quite the contrary, it could create chaos. It's important to pay attention to your students, because their lack of learning may not be because they are not trying, first check your teaching style because it may not be conducive to their learning style.

I definitely need to learn how to be patient with the learning process as a whole. Each part is in important and even though it may not be my favorite section, force myself to dig in and take out as much as I can as opposed to just trying to get through so I can get on to a section I like. It's interesting because we are "learning about learning" and it really opens your eyes to your own faults and strengths as an adult learner.

I am thankful I had the opportunity to learn about learning styles in depth, especially mine. When we had to find articles about learning styles, I found an article discussing that knowing your learning style is important in your everyday life and it gave examples. I now know the questions I need to ask when I'm at the doctor. It also gives me the tools to help my children become strong learners. Learning starts now with them. It's important that I know their preference so I can not only use that to their advantage but also help them shape the other styles into usable styles in situations their preference may not work.


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